In my own 220gallon, We have a great Tusk, juvenile

In my own 220gallon, We have a great Tusk, juvenile

If you’re really finding Wrasses, do get a duplicate away from Rudy Kuiter’s “Fairy Rainbow Wrasses And their Nearest and dearest”, an effective little publication with several reliable information and photographs to identify varieties and you can distinguish the sexes

Correcting A Common Mistake Well, I committed the sin I’m sure every aquarist is guilty of at some point, and I made an impulsive buy. I was just amazed, because I had finally been to a nice fish store, with what seemed like knowledgeable staff members. I asked them if I could mix one of those beautiful wrasses with my Harlequin tusk, and they said yes, and that a Lunare Wrasse is perfect. So my girlfriend made me buy it. Well, after some reading, I discovered that he’s not going to go too good with my future and present stock. Maculosus Angel, Flame Hawk, Black Back Butterfly, and am quarantining an Auriga Butterfly, some Chromis, and of course, a Lunare Wrasse in a separate tank. The fish store was several hours away, so taking him back there isn’t really an option. How bad are my odds that it will wreak havoc on my other stock and make me wish I had never put it in? I have over 200lbs of live rock, but my Tusk is my favorite fish, I don’t want anything messing with him, and if not this wrasse is there any other one that would go good with the fish I just mentioned? Thanks Brandon


Wrasse Mixing. Hi apexprofielvoorbeelden Everyone, Just a couple of quick questions for you. I currently have a male Redfin Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis). I would like to add a few flasher wrasses (one male three females). Will they get along with the other fairy wrasse? How can you tell the male female apart in flasher wrasses? My tank is a 135 gallon reef with about 150 pounds of Fiji rock. Thanks. Do some research, and then do some careful shopping! Good luck! Regards, Scott F>

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